Communications & Campaigns

Communications & Campaigns

Today communication campaign became very crucial be it a social, financial or political campaign. Communication programme is used in broad aspect of communication. But communication campaign is more of strategic one. It is used for targeted audience, using perfect media and resources within a certain timeframe and budget.

Markzin helps you to develop and grow your communication campaign in a productive manner within specified time period and minimal budget- that will definitely help you with desired result of reaching out and influencing a large number of people. We provide complete support to our clients to plan and implement effective campaigns on Social and Business related issues. Our experienced team has the expertise of using the media, messaging and an organised set of communication activities to generate specific outcomes in large number of individuals within a specified period of time.

Communication campaign has many ingredients and stages. Stages such as-

1. Situation Assessment

we start campaign by gleaning raw data, understanding the situation and further more assessing it.

2. Goal setting and target Audience

The objectives need to be predefined in early stage and all the later stages like targeting audience, right messaging should reverberate with the seeded pre-defined objectives. Also need to make sure that we target right audience on right platform.

3. Action plan Development

The right strategy should be there which resonates with the audience to whom we are reaching and objectives of campaign. But make no mistake marketing jargon will put people off. Action plans and strategy need to be simple but effective and interactive.

4. Implementation

At this stage the campaign is launched with predetermined objects and goals and then placing the right messaging in the right media. And it is all about putting those ingredients in a consorted manner and implementing those on ground level for desired outcome

5. Outcome and Evaluation

The evaluation process is basically of two types- 1) Process Evaluation and 2) Outcome evaluation. The process evaluation starts with the beginning of campaign. And outcome evaluation occurs after the completion of campaigning to measure the impact of the campaign. The whole evaluation process helps to redefine and reset the campaign to achieve more impact and desired outcome.

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