
MSME’s and Few Common Minimum for Ensuring Worker’s Welfare and Rights : May Day 2024

The recent sustainability drive by the Government of India is most welcome and it will push the industries towards conducting more responsible business. Principles of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) is an important framework which forms the basis of conducting responsible business practices ensuring steps towards sustainability. The below Table provides and overview of the […]
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Let’s activate the Startup- ecosystem beyond the border

As Indian, or for that matter, as a global- citizen, we should feel proud of the fact that participation of Youth in business has increased significantly during past few years. And for India, as mentioned by Global Entrepreneurship Monitor India Report 2021-22, as high as 86% of youth in India are ready to start a […]
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How IOT is Influencing Microfinance Sector

Internet of Things is IOT. It is the network of interrelated computing devices. It might be mechanical, it might be digital machines objects with embraced with electronic software, sensors and connectivity which enable these objects to connect to transfer data over a network. This is IOT. IOT refers the way device this connected with one […]
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Mainstreaming budding entrepreneurs into the world of business… Participation of private actors in Startup ecosystem in India can bring real changes

India’s employment data for May 2022 indicates comparatively more stability at the macro level. At the same time, the data shows a positive movement of labour at the sectoral level. Recent study by CMIE reveals that while 7.83 per cent of those who were seeking employment in April were left unemployed, only 7.12 per cent […]
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Agile Startup is the key to ensure economic resilience in India

We all are geared up towards rejuvenating our financial health on individual as well at macro-economic levels at the onset of FY 2022-23. Economic predictions have already pointed towards some very positive trends such as a very promising GDP growth rate projected at 8.5%. Several other very optimistic predictions are flying around in air to […]
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